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OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes are codes that are stored by the on-board computer diagnostic system in response to a problem found in the vehicle. These codes identify a particular problem area and are intended to provide you with a guide as to where a fault might be occurring within a vehicle. OBD II Diagnostic Trouble Codes consist of a five-digit alphanumeric code. The first character, a letter, identifies which control system sets the code. The second character, a number, 0-3; other three characters, a hex character, 0-9 or A-F provide additional information on where the DTC originated and the operating conditions that caused it to set. Here below is an example to illustrate the structure of the digits:
Launch Creader VI Feature
1.Read dynamic datastream
2.MIL indicator
3.Readiness status test
4.Search freeze frame data
5.Read current DTCs
6.Clear DTCs
7.O2 sensor detection test
8.Specified monitoring system on-board monitor test
9.Read pending DTCs
10.Read on-board systems or components control
11.Read vehicle information
12.Read permanent DTCs
13.DTCs search
14.Tested data playback
For more LAUNCH Diagnostic Tool,please visit
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